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Collectors Form

We assist a number of collectors to improve their collections, whether Africana, a specific artist, porcelain or silver for example. We contact the collector when we have an artwork, antique or artefact that may be of interest to them.

This service assists both the buyer and the seller. It is important to note that our service is provided without obligation and with the utmost discretion. All the information given to us is treated with the highest confidence. We coordinate private treaty or online sale arrangements without providing the either buyer or seller with names or details.

By doing so we will be able to advise you when we come across any items which fit your interests.

Please fill in the form below and then press the "submit" button.
The fields in red are required.

 Surname :
 *First Name :
 *E-Mail Address :
 Telephone :
 Country :

In the box below please complete the general category or collecting field in which you are interested
in. (eg. SA Paintings, Ceramics, Sculptures, etc.)

And in the box below please enter any specific information (for example, a particular artist's name or particular sculptor or porcelain factory):

 If you have any
 comments you
 can enter them
 in this box.


Harriet Hedley
P O Box 72126
2122 Parkview
Tel: (011) 486 0967
Fax: (011) 646 0390

Gillian Scott-Berning
P O Box 50227
4062 Musgrave
Tel: (031) 2078247
Fax: (031) 2078247

Cape Town
Gilfillan Scott-Berning
P O Box 690
7848 Constantia
Tel: (021) 7946966

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